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Production 9: Connected Learning

The model values individual expression and peer learning instead of viewing students as empty vessels to be filled by the teacher. The features of the model is a synthesis of learning approaches that establish participatory and creator engagement within academic learning. This connects to Morell's concept of critical literacy, where students are self-directed in their learning and will help them develop their academic learning skills. For example, students doing inquiry based assignments become the researchers and critically examine the world around them. The connected learning model addresses challenges like a shift in where workplace futures lie, i.e. a creative knowledge-economy. Consequently, the model aims to bridge the gap in developing these skills through a variety of learning approaches that allow students to discover their own creativity. "Connected learning is realized when a young person pursues a personal interest or passion with the support of friends and caring adults, and is in turn able to link this learning and interest to academic achievement, career possibilities, or civic engagement” (Ito, pg. 6).

This model matters because it validates and invites students to share their cultural and personal experiences. Instead of looking at certain children as being "at-risk" because they are disengaged, this model encourages student interest to help them succeed."Many factors can explain the achievement gap. Some of the most influential theories have looked to cultural factors in young people’s engagement with schooling” (Ito, pg. 23). Therefore, the connected model goes beyond a "top down" one and engages students in relevant cultural and world issues.

An example of connected learning in my experience, is in my grade nine drama class who are working on a genius hour project. The students are given a set amount of time each week to work on the project and they are challenged to explore something they are passionate about or want to learn about. Within this project the students still must consider drama concepts learned in class but the project doesn't have to be a performance, it can be a Youtube Chanel, a documentary, a photoshoot etc. Pop culture can be used in the connected learning model by engaging students to discover different ways they can be creative and critically think.


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